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Manjit was diagnosed with colitis in 2015 and prior to this she had been suffering with IBS for many years. Through adopting a Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD diet), working with her gastroenterologist and seeking help from an alternative health doctor she managed to get her symptoms into remission.
However, Manjit was still getting flare-ups in her gut which resulted in bleeding and she also experienced bloating alongside several other gastrointestinal symptoms. Her symptoms were often triggered by stress but most importantly she felt reliant on herbal supplements and she wanted to get to the root cause of her symptoms.
Prior to working with Higher Healing, Manjit had a stool test through her gastroenterologist which measured the level of inflammation in her gut. Her calprotectin levels were at 442 ug/g, and the target range for calprotectin should be below 60ug/g; so she was clearly well above target and experiencing high levels of inflammation in the gut.
Through a ‘Naturopathic Nutrition – Root Cause Consultation’ we were able to dig deeper into the systems of the body that required balancing and how they impacted each other. It was clear the main priority was to work on balancing the microbiome in her gut whilst also working on detoxification pathways and supporting the nervous system.
Based on the Root Cause Consultation, we established the following aims:
We introduced a 4R protocol (aimed around gut healing) alongside an anti-inflammatory protocol. This protocol involved killing off bad bacteria in the gut. Through a functional test we were able to identify unwanted strains of candida within the body. Through dietary changes we worked on introducing foods that were anti-microbial (kill-off phase), which would promote detoxification and help lower inflammation. We also removed foods that were driving inflammation and increasing the toxic load in the body. Supplementation and lifestyle changes we were also put in place to focus on reducing stress levels and pushing the body into a parasympathetic state.
In the follow-up ‘Health and Wellness’ sessions, Manjit reported no blood in her stools, less bloating and improved energy levels. Her stools were occasionally loose, which highlighted there was still further work to do but she was improving with each session with fewer reported symptoms.
At this point we moved onto a repair and reinoculate phase where we started to introduce dietary changes such as prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods to promote a balanced gut microbiome.
Manjit herself was the driving force in her healing, as she did a fantastic job of following through on all the advice in the plans. This is testament to her commitment to her health and reaping the full benefits of the health plan.
In January, Manjit had another stool test again measuring her calprotectin levels, the inflammation markers after just 2 months were down to 43 ug/g from a previous 442 ug/g which were well within the target range.
Manijt is continuing to follow the dietary recommendations and avoiding inflammatory foods in her diet. Through further conversation we identified there was still an emotional root to her symptoms which needed clearing. This was the next area of exploration.
Manijt is continuing to follow a SCD diet protocol and avoiding inflammatory foods in her diet. Through further conversation we identified there was still an emotional root to her symptoms which needed clearing. This was the next area of exploration.
"I can recall the first meeting with my gastroenterologist at Sandwell hospital when I was first diagnosed with Colitis in 2015. In a matter of fact manner, he stated I would be on medication for life. I felt helpless; even though the Dr was resolute in his outcome I was not. I left the hospital thinking there is no way I would be on medication for life, I was determined to get to the bottom of my colitis and be healed and so my journey began. I believe that fate intervened leading me to Indy, who said in our first meeting that he could heal my gut and over a short period be off medication for good. The nutrition experience was split into three protocols. Stage 1 – to cleanse, stage 2 – to strengthen the gut lining and finally stage 3- to repopulate the gut with probiotics. I am now at my final stage where I am free of pharmaceuticals and slowly tapering off probiotics. My health is great and I feel my journey in healing my health has helped me discover things about my path in life."
At this point we delved deeper, into the emotional triggers of her illness. All illnesses have some form of emotional root to them whether we are consciously aware of this or not. There are several themes linked with Colitis and for each individual there will be a different element that they resonate with.
Colitis is often linked with anger and frustration from the past. Generally speaking, there will be circumstances in the present that are triggering unresolved issues that make an individual feel used, abused, vulnerable and unloved. There can also be a link to a lack of love from influential figures who were often emotionally unavailable or abusive. There can also be a recycling of old traumas and emotions.
We tuned into several of these themes and through connecting with this energy we were able to trace back to memories in Manjit’s past from an early age where she felt this way. Through EFT work we were able to reduce the emotional intensity around her feelings and brought them down to level where she felt comfortable. We then used Matrix Reimprinting to go into these memories one-by-one, clear the trauma and reimprinted a powerful new memory which will now serve Manjit for the rest of her life in a positive way.
Manjit has commented that her relationship with her parents has improved since the Matrix Reimprinting several memories and emotional she is feeling much stronger.
"When Indy first mentioned a new kind of treatment called EFT which focuses on specific memories I was intrigued by it. I was keen to start on the Matrix Reprinting as like Indy, I too, believe that true healing is by incorporating the physical, emotional and spiritual as one. Before the first session, Indy had said to focus on a particular troubling memory, I was able to recall a memory from childhood with my dad. I intuitively felt that my colitis originated from this early memory, by recalling with vivid detail and experiencing how I felt as a 5 yr old. Indy then asked me to become the third person where I was able to view myself as a child from an adult perspective. This proved interesting as I was to observe and reassure my child self and thus make amends with my dad. Throughout the session, Indy tapped on my meridian points while I repeated EFT statements said by him. After the Matrix Reprinting, I remember feeling a huge weight had been lifted. Indy stated for the reprinting to work I would need to reinforce it daily for the next 30 days. I followed the protocol diligently every morning for 30 days, noticing quite subtly how my relationship with my parents was improving. I found myself being honest around them and for the first time in a long whilst enjoying their company."
"Indy from the very first consultation has been knowledgeable and enthusiastic about his passion for a Naturopathic lifestyle. He explains the healing process in-depth and has been generous with his time. He responds to emails and will go out of his way to ensure whatever your issue is, that it is resolved, whether it be of a physical or emotional nature. I feel Indy has provided a lifeline to my health as we know, the internet offers a myriad of choice and therefore it's always difficult to decipher the wheat from the chaff. I feel so blessed to have found Higher Healing and have no hesitation in recommending this holistic approach to a fuller and satisfying life."
"If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I would doubt that such rapid and lasting changes, both physical and psychological, could be possible within just a few sessions of energy psychology."
H Lehner- HH Client
"EFT and Matrix Reimprinting have been so awakening and empowering that it feels magical."
Sabrina J- HH Client
"What an amazing experience! Working with ... Energy Psychology (Matrix Re-imprinting), has transformed my life, I feel more positive, happy & confident as a person & most importantly, discovered unconditional love for myself and my family."
Scott- HH Client
"... If you are in physical or emotional pain, please do not hesitate to make contact with this wonderful couple. Indy & Roma have created an alternative healing practice that works. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain."
E T - HH Client
"So glad that I came across Higher Healing during my suffering with bowel and fertility problems. I wanted to avoid strong medication in both cases so I was looking for more natural/holistic ways to heal and I couldn't find a better person than Roma! I have chosen Holistic Health Package, within less than two months I found out the best news about being pregnant (after trying over a year)!"
Martyna- HH Client
"Having suffered with digestive problems over decades Indy has finally helped me to specifically identify the issues and has formulated a plan for recovery. I am truly grateful and thankful as I had my doubts I would ever be healed. For the first time I am confident, based on proper investigations and diagnostics that I am finally on the road to recovery. I can also highly recommend the EFT/Matrix Reimprinting which I have found both fascinating and very helpful."
Avis- HH Client