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As Holistic Mind-Body-Soul Therapists, we look for the root causes of health on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Using our own unique healing methodology, we assist our clients back to health and wellbeing.
Our goal for this article is to provide an overview of the physical, mental and spiritual causes of acid reflux / heartburn that go beyond conventional thinking. Our hope is that it will help you understand the condition better, ultimately with the objective of getting to the root cause of the issue(s).
Whether you are someone diagnosed with heartburn, a supportive parent, friend or relative, or a curious seeker of holistic wellbeing and health, this information is designed to provide a thoughtful exploration and our hope is that it will help connect the dots to the different areas that require support when dealing with heartburn.
Heartburn is also known as acid reflux or medically as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is a health condition in which stomach acid flows back (refluxes) into your oesophagus (food pipe) causing burning and pain.
Heartburn is a common symptom which people can feel at some point in their life. It becomes a concern when the symptoms become more frequent.
Normally when you swallow, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a circular band of muscle around the bottom of the oesophagus, relaxes to allow food and liquid to flow down into your stomach. Then it closes again. If this valve becomes weakened or relaxes when it shouldn’t, stomach acids can flow up into the oesophagus, causing heartburn.
When stomach acids continually reflux upward, it can cause irritation and inflammation of the lining of the oesophagus, which is known as oesophagitis (meaning inflammation of the oesophagus). This can cause chest pain after eating, difficulty swallowing, and breathing problems.
Typical symptoms that can often be experienced alongside heartburn are chest pain, coughing, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, sour taste in the mouth.
As mentioned earlier, at the end of our oesophagus, is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It separates the stomach (most importantly the acidic environment) from your oesophagus. It’s meant to stay shut and only relax when we are eating food so it can pass through into the stomach.
One of the important safety mechanisms of the LES is to close when stomach acid has an optimal pH of around 2-4. However, if stomach acid is low (a higher pH – which makes it less acidic) then it doesn’t close or function effectively. As a result, it relaxes, allowing the acid to up into the oesophagus which is experienced as heartburn. From a naturopathic perspective, 80% of heartburn cases are to do with low stomach acid rather than high stomach acid.
Conventionally we think that acid reflux is caused by high stomach acid and we opt for PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) which keep stomach acid levels low. This only masks the issue and does not resolve the root cause of the issue which is low stomach acid.
Once you understand that low stomach acid can be at the root of acid reflux we need to explore why stomach acid is low. This is often due to low vitamin and minerals which are required to produce stomach acid. Zinc is one of the main minerals needed to produce stomach acid. Your diet may be low in this key nutrient and certain lifestyle habits or stress may be contributing to a depletion of zinc. The B vitamins, especially B12, are another set of nutrients which are important for stomach acid production.
Magnesium is also needed for stomach acid production, so deficiency can be an indicator of low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria). Magnesium will reduce spasming of the lower esophageal sphincter and prevent the release of acid into the oesophagus.
Overeating and eating high-fat meals can put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter. When we overeat food ends up staying longer in the stomach than is ideal and the body needs to produce extra stomach acid in order to break down all the body. As a result, fermentation (a build up of gas) can occur in the stomach which can create pressures on the sphincters and can create symptoms of bloating, burping, abdominal pain, etc.
Coughing and laboured breathing put pressure on the stomach which can have a subsequent impact on the LES. Certain Asthma medications may relax the esophageal sphincter and this needs to be taken into consideration if you suffer with Asthma and have heartburn.
Gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying) is a complication of diabetes. As a result the contents in your stomach are longer than needed. As with over-eating, this can lead to fermentation which causes pressure on the sphincters.
A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. This anatomical change can weaken the LES, making acid reflux more likely.
This is an area that is talked about a lot and is common information. A poor diet which is high in processed foods, too much coffee, alcohol which naturally leads to lower stomach acid and a loss of stomach acid and LES tone and therefore decreases its ability to function properly. .
Excess weight puts pressure on the stomach, especially around the belly, can put pressure on the digestive tract. This can cause the LES muscle to weaken. It is also worth noting that excess body fat may also release chemicals that naturally interfere with normal digestion.
Smoking causes a depletion of key micronutrients in the body and weakens LES tone (which means the sphincter doesn’t work as well as it should).
Simply put, smoking slows digestion, and reduces stomach acid and saliva levels. It also weakens the LES muscle that needs to be working to stop the acid coming up and directly inflames the oesophagus.
If you are new to understanding the mind-body-soul connection and how our thoughts and emotions impact our physical health, then please read the following article we have created: Understanding the Mind-Body-Soul Connection and how it impacts health.
To provide a quick summary, the mental wellbeing of an individual plays a crucial role in the manifestation and progression of physical symptoms as the mind cannot be separated from the body. Mind, body and soul are one and the same system.
Understanding the emotional themes associated with heartburn is vital for getting to the deeper holistic root cause of the issue. This can often be due to significant life events at any life stage, even going all the way back to being in the womb. These experiences are stored energetically in the body and subconscious mind.
Understanding the emotional causes and themes associated with heartburn is vital for getting to the deeper root cause of the issue.
Here’s a general overview of the themes:
You may have seen something or heard something that you didn’t want to experience and you know you want to get rid of it (out of your system) but you are unable to do so. This will often be something you experienced and you immediately know you don’t like rather than something you have experienced for a while and it starts to bother you.
This can often take place in familial or social circles, for example, where people are having their say out loud, you may not be in a position to leave or disagree with what is being said, and you are having to see or hear things that you don’t want to.
The body in its wisdom wants to aid you in getting rid of this information that you have swallowed by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter to aid the release. This leaves you prone to heartburn.
Sometimes, we encounter information, advice, or opportunities that we know could benefit us, yet we find ourselves resistant to accepting or acting upon them. This can be because of a specific person who we hold resentment towards providing this information, it can be due to a fear of change, imposter syndrome or self-sabotage. This phenomenon, where we consciously or subconsciously block ourselves from embracing something we know is good for us, can stem from various psychological, emotional, or even social reasons.
The body in its wisdom wants to aid you in receiving this good information that you have swallowed by relaxing the lower esophageal sphincter to allow you to fully receive it. This leaves you prone to heartburn.
Depending on the nature of the experience, if it involves significant people, objects, locations or phrases, these can become emotional triggers which will trigger this biological response in the body.
Embracing spirituality or connecting with your higher self can be the most powerful healer of all. From a spiritual perspective, feeling disconnected to a higher power whether that be God, the Universe, All That Is, the Divine, or to your higher self, is considered to be at the root of ill-health.
Connecting to the high vibrational energy of your spiritual truth can immediately start the healing process within an individual and often be transformative in many situations.
Viewing heartburn as a potential teacher, individuals may find spiritual meaning in the lessons and opportunities for why this condition arose. Based on the emotional themes of heartburn, this mostly likely revolves around aspects such as discovering how to speak up about what you like or dislike, knowing what is good for you, developing better personal boundaries, developing tolerance for others perspectives and even forgiveness.
Remember, there is no separation between the body, mind and the soul, they are all connected, and are reflections of each other. As a perspective shift, try to think of the body as simply the densest reflection of the soul.
Adopting the perspective that considers the body as a messenger, conveying insights and reflections from the spiritual realm helps you to discover your own inner truth which is incredibly powerful and healing.
From reading the information in this article, we hope you can appreciate the emotional and spiritual themes that are intertwined with physical aspects of health. Therefore, a holistic approach to health that integrates emotional strategies with naturopathic treatments, nutritional recommendations, and spiritual practices is always our recommendation.
This triad of well-being forms the foundation for navigating the challenges of osteoarthritis and getting to the true root cause.
We encourage all individuals who have been suffering with heartburn or who are struggling to get better or who haven’t discovered the root cause of their condition to really consider and embrace a holistic approach to their health.
It not only can transform your health but can transform your life too.
As holistic mind-body-soul therapists, we understand the powerful connection between your mind, body, and soul.
Nutritional deficiencies, unresolved negative emotions and limiting beliefs often rooted in childhood experiences, a disconnection to a higher power, may have built up in your being, and they are now affecting your health and happiness.
Your soul is your inner truth and strength, and it flows through your mind and body. When you disconnect from your truth or ignore its messages, it can manifest as pain, discomfort, or ill health. It’s your soul’s way of getting your attention! It’s sending you a message.
With years of experience, in Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Medical Intuition and Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing Modalities, we’ve developed a unique approach, Higher Healing, that focuses on healing all aspects of your being:
Through this approach, we’ll work together to uncover the holistic root cause(s) of your health, specific to you and your life story, clearing any blockages hindering your wellbeing. We help awaken the incredible healing power within you.
Ready to learn more about aligning your mind, body, and soul? Book a Discovery Call so we can have a friendly conversation on how we can support you.
Let’s work together to unlock the innate healing power within you to lead a healthier, happier, more empowered life!
HEALTH DISCLAIMER – While energy-based healing is not intended to substitute conventional medical treatment, it frequently serves as a supportive adjunct. Holistic body-mind therapy has demonstrated efficacy for numerous individuals, who haven’t found success through other modalities. It is, however, imperative to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional regarding any physical or mental health concerns. Please read the MEDICAL DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page.
"If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I would doubt that such rapid and lasting changes, both physical and psychological, could be possible within just a few sessions of energy psychology."
H Lehner- HH Client
"EFT and Matrix Reimprinting have been so awakening and empowering that it feels magical."
Sabrina J- HH Client
"What an amazing experience! Working with ... Energy Psychology (Matrix Re-imprinting), has transformed my life, I feel more positive, happy & confident as a person & most importantly, discovered unconditional love for myself and my family."
Scott- HH Client
"... If you are in physical or emotional pain, please do not hesitate to make contact with this wonderful couple. Indy & Roma have created an alternative healing practice that works. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain."
E T - HH Client
"So glad that I came across Higher Healing during my suffering with bowel and fertility problems. I wanted to avoid strong medication in both cases so I was looking for more natural/holistic ways to heal and I couldn't find a better person than Roma! I have chosen Holistic Health Package, within less than two months I found out the best news about being pregnant (after trying over a year)!"
Martyna- HH Client
"Having suffered with digestive problems over decades Indy has finally helped me to specifically identify the issues and has formulated a plan for recovery. I am truly grateful and thankful as I had my doubts I would ever be healed. For the first time I am confident, based on proper investigations and diagnostics that I am finally on the road to recovery. I can also highly recommend the EFT/Matrix Reimprinting which I have found both fascinating and very helpful."
Avis- HH Client