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As Holistic Mind-Body-Soul Therapists, we look for the root causes of health on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Using our own unique healing methodology, we assist our clients back to health and wellbeing.
Our goal for this article is to provide an overview of the physical, mental and spiritual causes of Crohn’s Disease that go beyond conventional thinking. Our hope is that it will help you understand the condition better, ultimately with the objective of getting to the root cause of the issue(s).
Whether you are someone diagnosed with Crohn’s, a supportive parent, friend or relative or a curious seeker of holistic wellbeing and health, this information is designed to provide a thoughtful exploration and our hope is that it will help connect the dots to the different areas that require support when dealing with Crohn’s Disease.
Crohn’s Disease is a complex and challenging condition that significantly impacts the lives of those affected. It is classed as an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Crohn’s Disease is considered a complex and multifactorial condition where there are several potential risk factors that need to be addressed and explored. Conventional medicine states the cause for Crohn’s is unknown.
This disease affects the digestive system and causes the intestinal tissue to become inflamed, develop sores, and bleed. These diseases can be painful and debilitating and may lead to life-threatening complications, especially if left untreated.
Crohn’s disease can occur anywhere in your digestive tract, often spreading deep into the layers of affected tissues whereas ulcerative colitis (another form of IBD) usually affects only the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. Symptoms may come and go and those affected may also experience long periods of remission.
The alarming rise of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) across the globe coincides with the spread of Western dietary habits. While often overlooked, mounting scientific evidence suggests that what we eat plays a critical role in triggering IBD. Studies show a clear increase in IBD cases within cultures that have adopted Western diets characterised by high consumption of refined sugars, processed foods, and meat.
Researchers have found that prior to developing IBD, patients often consumed diets higher in refined sugar, chemically modified fats, and fast food, while eating less raw fruits, vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, and dietary fibre compared to healthy individuals.
Food allergies also appear to be significant contributors to IBD. Studies demonstrate that specialised diets – like elemental diets or those eliminating known allergens – can be remarkably effective in supporting IBD.
Another key factor is the imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. There is a strong correlation between increased IBD rates and diets high in total fat, animal fat, omega-6 fatty acids, animal protein, and milk protein. Notably, higher animal protein intake and an increased ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids emerged as the most significant predictors of IBD.
Therefore correcting this imbalance, by reducing omega-6 oils and increasing omega-3 oils, could lead to meaningful improvements in managing IBD.
The gut microbiome is a bustling community of trillions of bacteria, and other microorganisms residing within your digestive tract. These microbes are essential to your well-being, aiding in the digestion of food, production of vital vitamins, and shielding you from harmful infections. Research reveals a powerful connection between the gut microbiome and a multitude of health conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. Understanding this intricate microbial world and its impact on our health is crucial for promoting optimal wellness.
For individuals with Crohn’s disease or other gut-related concerns, functional tests like a Comprehensive Stool Test offer valuable insights. They analyse the functional aspects of your gut microbiome, including digestive capacity, inflammatory markers, immune health, and the presence of beneficial or harmful microbes. This information helps therapists to personalise treatment plans and dietary recommendations to improve gut health and manage chronic conditions.
Mounting evidence suggests a link between antibiotic exposure and the development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), with antibiotics potentially disrupting the delicate balance of the intestinal lining. Studies show individuals later diagnosed with IBD were more likely to have received antibiotic prescriptions two to five years prior. Importantly, the risk of IBD increased with the number of antibiotic prescriptions.
Given the vital role of beneficial bacteria in gut health, it’s logical that the disruption caused by antibiotics could be a major factor in IBD development.
80% of your immune system is located in your gut. If your immune system is weakened the likelihood is that your gut is susceptible to inflammation and unwanted pathogens.
Researchers have explored the idea that a single infectious agent might cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), this theory remains debated. Specific viruses (like rotavirus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and measles) and types of mycobacteria remain possibilities but require further research.
These pathogens may not necessarily trigger Crohn’s, but infections by various microbes, including the yeast Candida albicans, can worsen existing symptoms. That’s why it’s crucial to test for infections during the diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease and throughout treatment.
When faced with stress, the body’s natural response is to divert blood flow away from the digestive system to the muscles and sense organs, as a means of preparing for a potential threat. While this is an effective mechanism in the short term, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on the gut’s functioning and the immune system.
Prolonged stress compromises the gut’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients effectively, potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies that can further weaken the body and the gut.
Stress can also directly trigger an inflammatory response within the digestive tract, exacerbating the underlying inflammation already present in Crohn’s disease and worsening symptoms.
It’s important to manage stress for those with Crohn’s disease since it can lead to a vicious cycle, with worsened symptoms causing further stress and creating a negative feedback loop. As a result, chronic stress needs to be explored in detail with individuals with Crohn’s disease.
Research suggested that there is a genetic component to Crohn’s disease. Having a close relative, such as a parent or sibling, with Crohn’s significantly increases your own risk of developing the condition.
While the family link is strong, having a relative with Crohn’s doesn’t mean you’ll automatically develop it. It simply signifies a higher susceptibility. Scientists have identified numerous genes that can increase a person’s vulnerability to Crohn’s. These genes often relate to immune system function and how the body interacts with gut bacteria.
Being aware of your family history can help your therapist recommend nutritional and lifestyle changes to manage your risk.
In recent years, scientists have discovered epigenetics, which shows that genes can be turned on or off by things like our environment and lifestyle, challenging the traditional deterministic view of genetics. This means genes don’t always determine a condition; they just suggest a tendency or a predisposition. This is crucial, because it highlights how our choices, beliefs, thoughts, and surroundings can influence our health, including whether we develop a condition that our parents or grandparents have or had.
The mental wellbeing of individuals plays a crucial role in the manifestation and management of symptoms as the mind cannot be separated from the body. Understanding the emotional causes and themes associated with Crohn’s Disease is vital for getting to the deeper root cause of the issue.
The key emotion we are often dealing with when it comes to Crohn’s Disease is unresolved anger, which energetically can be held in the colon. This unresolved anger can be to do with situations, events, people, or possessions.
Because this anger hasn’t been resolved, energetically it is still festering in the colon causing biological changes to take place. For example, a man is constantly arguing with his wife which generates high levels of anger within him, which he isn’t able to release. This process goes on for years with his symptoms getting gradually worse over the years.
Think about your past, have there been situations where you can remember being angry and you have chosen to suppress, escape, or avoid the anger within you. Perhaps you couldn’t express it or you weren’t allowed to show your anger.
What’s important to note is that you may not be feeling anger currently in your life. Consciously, you may be feeling like the situation is over but unconsciously you are still holding onto the anger. If you were to go back to the situation you would find the anger will quickly rise to the surface.
Situations in your life where you felt unfairly treated by someone or by a situation are worth exploring too. For example, a worker feels unfairly treated by her boss in his employment. She feels that her performance is always being unfairly assessed and is reflected in her appraisals and assessment throughout the year. As a result, she is likely to experience recurrent flare-ups in and out of these moments.
Another theme which presents itself in this condition is the inability to process something that has happened in your life causing a feeling of overwhelm. Feeling overwhelmed is like being caught in a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities, where everything seems to pile up and weigh heavily on your shoulders.
It could be to do with you, someone close to you that you care about, or more on a societal level that has affected you. The situation or events which the overwhelm could have happened to you personally, it can be something you have witnessed, or it can even be something you have heard.
Please reflect on key events in your life where you look back at them and you still can’t process what has happened. It is important to energetically clear these from your subconscious mind as an effective therapy for Crohn’s Disease.
Another emotional theme that often comes up with Crohn’s Disease are situations which are classed as ‘ugly’. This interpretation of whether the situation is ugly will be unique to you, as we all have different interpretations of what we would class as ugly.
Where the person or situation is seen as a ugly, depends on the individual and how they perceive the situation. Examples of this are:
When looking at the emotional themes from a metaphysical perspective the location of Crohn’s in the gut is important. Whether it is on one side of the body versus the other will mean it has a different emotional theme. Additionally, where it is located higher up in the gut or lower down in the gut or specific part of the colon, will also have a different emotional theme and meaning.
This is beyond the scope of this article as each individual presents differently and will have varied themes, work with us to find out more.
Embracing spirituality or connecting with your higher self can be the most powerful healer of all.
From a spiritual perspective, feeling disconnected to a higher power whether that be God, the Universe, All That Is, the Divine, or to your higher self, is considered to be at the root of ill-health.
Connecting to the high vibrational energy of your spiritual truth can immediately start the healing process within an individual and often be transformative.
Crohn’s may be prompting individuals to embark on a journey of inner self-discovery. The challenges posed by the condition will lead to a deeper exploration of one’s identity, purpose, and connection with the higher self.
Viewing Crohn’s as a potential teacher, individuals may find spiritual meaning in the lessons and opportunities for why this condition arose. This could involve aspects such as discovering patience, peace, acceptance or the ability to process life. .
Remember, there is no separation between the body, mind and the soul, they are all connected, and are reflections of each other. As a perspective shift, try to think of the body as simply the densest reflection of the soul.
Adopting the perspective that considers the body as a messenger, conveying insights and reflections from the spiritual realm helps you to discover your own inner truth which is incredibly powerful and healing.
From reading the information in this article, we hope you can appreciate the emotional and spiritual themes that are intertwined with physical aspects of health. Therefore, a holistic approach to health that integrates emotional strategies with naturopathic treatments, nutritional recommendations, and spiritual practices is always our recommendation.
This triad of well-being forms the foundation for navigating the challenges of Crohn’s Disease and getting to the true root cause.
We encourage all individuals who have been suffering with Crohn’s, who are struggling to get better or who haven’t discovered the root cause of their condition to really consider and embrace a holistic approach to their health.
It not only can transform your health but can transform your life too.
As Holistic Mind-Body-Soul Therapists, we understand the powerful connection between your mind, body, and soul.
Nutritional deficiencies, unresolved negative emotions and limiting beliefs often rooted in childhood experiences, a disconnection to a higher power, may have built up in your being, and they are now affecting your health and happiness.
Your soul is your inner truth and strength, and it flows through your mind and body. When you disconnect from your truth or ignore its messages, it can manifest as pain, discomfort, or ill health. It’s your soul’s way of getting your attention! It’s sending you a message.
With years of experience, in Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Medical Intuition and Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing Modalities, we’ve developed a unique approach, Higher Healing, that focuses on healing all aspects of your being:
Through this approach, we’ll work together to uncover the holistic root cause(s) of your health, specific to you and your life story, clearing any blockages hindering your wellbeing. We help awaken the incredible healing power within you.
Ready to learn more about aligning your mind, body, and soul? Book a Discovery Call so we can have a friendly conversation on how we can support you.
Let’s work together to unlock the innate healing power within you to lead a healthier, happier, more empowered life!
HEALTH DISCLAIMER – While energy-based healing is not intended to substitute conventional medical treatment, it frequently serves as a supportive adjunct. Holistic body-mind-soul therapy has demonstrated efficacy for numerous individuals, who haven’t found success through other modalities. It is, however, imperative to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional regarding any physical or mental health concerns. Please read the MEDICAL DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page.
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"EFT and Matrix Reimprinting have been so awakening and empowering that it feels magical."
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"What an amazing experience! Working with ... Energy Psychology (Matrix Re-imprinting), has transformed my life, I feel more positive, happy & confident as a person & most importantly, discovered unconditional love for myself and my family."
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"... If you are in physical or emotional pain, please do not hesitate to make contact with this wonderful couple. Indy & Roma have created an alternative healing practice that works. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain."
E T - HH Client
"So glad that I came across Higher Healing during my suffering with bowel and fertility problems. I wanted to avoid strong medication in both cases so I was looking for more natural/holistic ways to heal and I couldn't find a better person than Roma! I have chosen Holistic Health Package, within less than two months I found out the best news about being pregnant (after trying over a year)!"
Martyna- HH Client
"Having suffered with digestive problems over decades Indy has finally helped me to specifically identify the issues and has formulated a plan for recovery. I am truly grateful and thankful as I had my doubts I would ever be healed. For the first time I am confident, based on proper investigations and diagnostics that I am finally on the road to recovery. I can also highly recommend the EFT/Matrix Reimprinting which I have found both fascinating and very helpful."
Avis- HH Client