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Physical, Mental and Spiritual Causes of Eczema (Dermatitis)

patient suffering from eczema
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As Holistic Body-Mind-Soul Therapists, we look for the root causes of ill health on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Using our own unique healing methodology, we assist our clients back to health and wellbeing.

Our goal for this article is to provide an overview of the physical, mental and spiritual causes of eczema that go beyond conventional thinking. Our hope is that it will help you understand the condition better, ultimately with the objective of getting to the root cause of the issue(s). 

Whether you are someone diagnosed with eczema, a supportive parent, or a curious seeker of holistic wellbeing and health, this information is designed to provide a thoughtful exploration and our hope is that it will help connect the dots to the different areas that require support when dealing with eczema. 

Introduction to Eczema (Dermatitis)

Also known as dermatitis, eczema is an inflammatory skin condition marked by extremely itchy, red, scaly, and irritated skin.

There are several forms of eczema, including:

  • Atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. It usually begins in infancy and varies in severity during childhood and adolescence. It is thought to be due to a combination of dry, irritable skin and a dysfunction in the body’s immune system which we’ll explore more below.
  • Contact dermatitis: This is caused by exposure to an irritant or allergen, such as laundry soap, dyes, cosmetics and skin products, cleaning products, metal jewellery or plants (poison ivy).
  • Neurodermatitis: This form develops in areas where something, such as tight clothing, rubs or scratches your skin and causes an irritation.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis is a red rash with yellowish and oily scales, which is known as cradle cap when it affects infants. It may also affect adults and can be triggered by stress or other health conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
  • Stasis dermatitis: This may be caused by varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, which cause a buildup of fluid beneath the skin of the legs. This fluid buildup interferes with your blood’s ability to nourish your skin and places extra pressure against the skin.

Physical Causes of Eczema

Diet lacking in key vitamins and minerals

A diet lacking in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can contribute to systemic inflammation, which can contribute to eczema symptoms. For instance, deficiencies in vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A and zinc have been linked to increased inflammation and compromised skin barrier function, both of which are hallmark features of eczema.

Furthermore, the imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the typical Western diet has been implicated in promoting inflammation and allergic responses, potentially worsening eczema severity. High intake of processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats can also disrupt the gut microbiota, leading to dysbiosis and intestinal inflammation, which may further exacerbate eczema symptoms through the gut-skin axis.

Additionally, certain foods high in histamines or artificial additives may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, worsening eczema symptoms. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can help support skin health and alleviate eczema symptoms.

Digestive problems (leaky gut syndrome and celiac disease)

Eczema can often be linked to digestive issues such as leaky gut syndrome and celiac disease. Leaky gut occurs when the lining of the intestines becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, toxins, and microbes to enter the bloodstream. This can trigger an immune response and inflammation, which may manifest as eczema on the skin. 

Similarly, celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption, can lead to inflammation throughout the body, including the skin, exacerbating eczema symptoms in susceptible individuals. The body’s reaction to gluten can lead to inflammation not only in the gut but also in the skin, contributing to eczema flare-ups in individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Exposure to skin irritants (chemicals, detergents, latex, cosmetics)

Exposure to certain environmental factors and skin irritants can disrupt the skin barrier and exacerbate eczema symptoms or trigger flare-ups. These irritants can include harsh soaps, detergents, fragrances, and chemicals found in conventional skincare products and household cleaners.

Additionally, allergens such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and mould can also aggravate eczema symptoms in individuals with sensitivities, leading to inflammation and itching of the skin.

Genetics (it tends to run in families)

Genetics plays a significant role in the development of eczema, with research indicating that individuals with a family history of allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever, or eczema are more likely to develop the condition themselves. Specific gene variations can affect the skin’s barrier function and immune response, making individuals more susceptible to environmental triggers and inflammation, leading to the onset of eczema symptoms.

Stress – Impact on Immune System

Stress is recognised as a significant contributing factor to eczema flare-ups and exacerbations. High levels of stress can weaken the immune system and disrupt the body’s natural balance, leading to increased inflammation and skin sensitivity. Furthermore, stress can trigger behavioural responses such as scratching, which can damage the skin barrier and worsen eczema symptoms. Implementing stress management techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and seeking support can help individuals better manage their eczema symptoms.

Emotional Causes and Themes of Eczema

If you are new to understanding the mind-body connection and how our thoughts and emotions impact our physical health, then please read the following article we have created: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection and how it impacts health

To provide a quick summary, the mental wellbeing of an individual plays a crucial role in the manifestation and progression of physical symptoms as the mind cannot be separated from the body. Mind, body and soul are one and the same system. 

Understanding the emotional themes associated with eczema is vital for getting to the deeper holistic root cause of the issue. This can often be due to traumatic experiences at any life stage, even going all the way back to being in the womb. These experiences are stored energetically in the body and subconscious mind. 

Once the emotional root causes associated with eczema have been clearly identified and resolved through subconscious healing therapies, an individual will enter into the healing phase and experience a real improvement in their symptoms. 

Here’s a general overview of the themes:


From a mind-body connection perspective, separation is a strong emotional theme when we are looking at eczema. There are different types of separation from losing contact with someone (person or pet), not being near a loved one, to stronger forms of separation such as abandonment. The severity and the nature of the separation can determine the symptoms of eczema and where it appears on the body. 

Eczema symptoms caused due to separation issues don’t necessarily appear while the separation is taking place in a person’s life, but more so when the separation issue has been resolved. Therefore, it is always worth exploring what happened before the symptoms appeared in order to get to the emotional root. 

Wanting to have skin contact

Children often seek skin contact, such as hugs, cuddles, or being held by their caregivers, as a source of comfort and reassurance. For example, a child may run to their caregivers after experiencing a minor injury or feeling upset, seeking the soothing touch of a hug or gentle caress to alleviate distress and feel safe and loved. When they can’t get this contact (separation) it can create a stress response which the body biologically adjusts to. 

Individuals may experience a strong desire for skin contact when loved ones have moved away or there is a prolonged separation, such as a close family member moving away or returning from a long trip. This doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, for example, a daughter leaves to work in another city. The longing for physical closeness and connection can be overwhelming, prompting a biological response in the body in response to the desire to still have them close.

Not wanting to have skin contact

In certain cultural or personal contexts, individuals may feel uncomfortable with physical displays of affection, such as hugs or kisses on the cheek. When this discomfort is strong or repeated on a regular basis it can lead to biological response in eczema as the body responds to this stress. This can stem from a variety of factors, including poor personal boundaries, past trauma, sexual abuse or sensory sensitivities, just to name a few. 

Sometimes it can be connected to, ‘not wanting to be around certain people’, such as, you don’t want to be close to them or have contact with them. For example, there can be instances where you are forced to care for people you don’t want to, and the burden and stress takes its toll on the body. 

Hygiene can be another important factor if it is very important to you. You may know someone who has really poor hygiene, for example, they don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet, but you still have to shake their hand because it is a significant person in your life. 

Location of the Eczema is important

When looking at the emotional themes from a metaphysical perspective the location of the eczema is important. Whether it is on one side of the body versus the other will mean it has a different emotional theme. Additionally, if it is located in the hands versus the feet or knees, it will also have a different emotional theme and meaning. 

This is beyond the scope of this article as each individual presents differently and will have varied themes, work with us to find out more.

Spiritual Causes and Themes of Eczema

Embracing spirituality or connecting with your higher self can be the most powerful healer of all. 

From a spiritual perspective, feeling disconnected to a higher power whether that be God, the Universe, All That Is, the Divine, or to your higher self, is considered to be at the root of ill-health. 

Connecting to the high vibrational energy of your spiritual truth can immediately start the healing process within an individual and often be transformative. 

Inner Discovery

Eczema may be prompting individuals to embark on a journey of inner self-discovery. The challenges posed by the condition will lead to a deeper exploration of one’s identity, purpose, and connection with the higher self. 

Illness as a Teacher

Viewing eczema as a potential teacher, individuals may find spiritual meaning in the lessons and opportunities for why this condition arose. This could involve aspects such as discovering connection, support, abundance, or inner-strength.

Remember, there is no separation between the body, mind and the soul, they are all connected, and are reflections of each other.  Our body is a reflection of our mind and our soul. Often we are unable to reflect our soul’s true nature due to energetic blockages and a lack of awareness. 

Adopting the perspective that considers the body as a messenger, conveying insights and reflections from the spiritual realm helps you to discover your own inner truth which is incredibly powerful and healing. 

Embracing a Holistic Approach to deal with Eczema

From reading the information in this article, we hope you can appreciate the emotional and spiritual themes that are intertwined with physical aspects of health. Therefore, a holistic approach to health that integrates emotional strategies with naturopathic treatments, nutritional recommendations, and spiritual practices is always our recommendation.

This triad of well-being forms the foundation for navigating the challenges of osteoarthritis and getting to the true root cause.

We encourage all individuals who have been suffering with eczema or who are struggling to get better or who haven’t discovered the root cause of their condition to really consider and embrace a holistic approach to their health. 

It not only can transform your health but can  transform your life too. 

About Higher Healing and How We Can Help You

Naturopathic Practitioners in NatureAs holistic mind-body-soul therapists, we understand the powerful connection between your mind, body, and soul. 

Nutritional deficiencies, unresolved negative emotions and limiting beliefs often rooted in childhood experiences, a disconnection to a higher power, may have built up in your being, and they are now affecting your health and happiness.

Your soul is your inner truth and strength, and it flows through your mind and body. When you disconnect from your truth or ignore its messages, it can manifest as pain, discomfort, or ill health. It’s your soul’s way of getting your attention! It’s sending you a message. 

With years of experience, in Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Medical Intuition and Mental and Spiritual Wellbeing Modalities, we’ve developed a unique approach, Higher Healing, that focuses on healing all aspects of your being: 

  • Addressing nutritional deficiencies and imbalances within the body through impactful natural therapies and recommendations. 
  • Clearing any stagnant energy being held onto and transforming  limiting negative belief systems to promote healing. 
  • Helping you to connect, identify and activate your true soul potential to promote a higher level of healing. 

Through this approach, we’ll work together to uncover the holistic root cause(s) of your health,  specific to you and your life story, clearing any blockages hindering your wellbeing. We help awaken the incredible healing power within you. 

Ready to learn more about aligning your mind, body, and soul? Book a Discovery Call so we can have a friendly conversation on how we can support you.  

Let’s work together to unlock the innate healing power within you to lead a healthier, happier, more empowered life!

HEALTH DISCLAIMER – While energy-based healing is not intended to substitute conventional medical treatment, it frequently serves as a supportive adjunct. Holistic body-mind therapy has demonstrated efficacy for numerous individuals, who haven’t found success through other modalities. It is, however, imperative to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional regarding any physical or mental health concerns. Please read the MEDICAL DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page.

Credits: Cover Photo – Image by Freepik



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